Legal notice

Publisher and editorial

Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior,
Brühler Straße 3, 53119 Bonn, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)228 996 100

Responsible party under press law:

Sebastian Eckert
Referat Z15
Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior

Website concept:

Nortal AG; Bonpago GmbH

Design, implementation and front end programming:

Nortal AG

Hosting and operation:

Nortal AG

Content management system:

Implemented with WordPress.


Legal information

The content of this website is intended to make it easier for the public to access information about our Ministry and to provide an accurate overview of the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior’s activities, plans and projects. Every care has been taken to ensure that the information delivered is accurate, up to date, complete, clear and available at any time.

The following restrictions apply however:


1. Content from other providers

Links on these pages to content on third-party websites (“external content”) have been created by the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (editorial department) to the best of its knowledge and with the greatest possible care, and are only intended to provide access to the “external content”. In so doing, particular attention has been paid to the trustworthiness of the third-party providers in question and to the accuracy and legality of said “external content”.

Since the content of web pages is dynamic and can change at any time however, it is not always possible to continually monitor all content to which a link has been created. It is therefore expressly stated in this respect that the Federal Ministry of the Interior will not be liable for the content of third-party websites which are linked to its own site. The provider of the site linked to will be solely liable for any damage arising from the use, or lack of use, of such “external content”.


2. Own content

Where content provided on this website contains legal provisions, official notices, recommendations or information, these will be drafted to the best of our knowledge and with the greatest possible care. In the event of discrepancies however, the current official version alone will apply, as it appears in the relevant official announcement publication. Any legal information, recommendations and information are non-binding and no legal advice is given.

The following limitation of liability applies to the information provided: The Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior will not be liable for any damage arising as a result of the use, or lack of use, of the information provided. No liability will be accepted for any damage caused by computer viruses or the installation or use of software while accessing or downloading data.


3. Error messages

If this website contains links that direct users to illegal or inaccurate content by third parties, please kindly report these to the editorial department. Similarly, please submit a message via the contact form if our own content is not accurate, up to date, complete and clear.


4. Privacy

See the Privacy Policy for more information.


5. Copyright

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright for the text on this website is held by the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright for the images on this website is held by the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior or by the Federal Photo Archive of the Federal Government’s Press and Information Office.

Text, text extracts, graphics, tables and photos provided on the websites of the Procurement Office may not be copied, disseminated or displayed without the Procurement Office’s prior consent.


6. Terms of use for images

Unless otherwise stated (e.g. in the accompanying image information), the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter Procurement Office) has acquired all rights of use from the copyright owners of the digital images on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The image information, and any usage or exploitation restrictions contained therein, must be complied with. The user will be liable for any damage resulting from failure to comply with the same. The user shall indemnify the Procurement Office against all third-party claims in this respect.

Images marked with ‘Procurement Office’ as the source may be downloaded free of charge at any time and can be used in press coverage for the following purposes:

  1. Press releases
  2. Print media publications
  3. Film and television releases
  4. Online and multimedia publications

Any further use for commercial purposes, in particular for advertising purposes, is not permitted.

Third-party use of images with a source other than “Procurement Office” is not authorised.

  • Any editing, modification or manipulation of the digital images that goes beyond colour correction, cropping and resizing is prohibited and will only be permitted with the Procurement Office’s prior written consent. Similarly, the digital images may not be reproduced in a context which distorts their meaning.
  • A distortion of any works protected by copyright, in image, text or any other form, e.g. by rephotographing, art manipulation, photo composition or by electronic means, is not permitted. The user will be responsible for the captioning.
  • The press in particular shall be bound by the journalistic principles of the German Press Council (German Press Code). This authorisation to use the image material does not include any assurance that the persons depicted have granted the owner of the rights over the works shown, or the owners of trademark rights and other property rights, their consent to the images being displayed publicly. The user will be responsible for obtaining any necessary third-party consent in each individual instance. The user shall also personally observe the privacy rights, copyrights, trademark rights and other property rights of depicted persons, works, objects or drawings. If such rights are violated, the user alone will be liable for any damages in respect of third parties.
  • The Procurement Office hereby reserves the right to investigate any suspicion of misuse or major usage violation.
  • The source “Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior” must be stated when using the digital images. The same applies to electronic publications (e.g. websites). The Procurement Office must be sent a specimen copy, free of charge and without being prompted, of each print publication: Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Brühler Straße 3, 53119 Bonn, Germany

Liability Disclaimer

Link to Legal Notice (Impressum), in German only