Now that the OZG-RE invoice submission portal has been linked to “Mein Unternehmenskonto” (a user account based on the ELSTER tax software), senders and recipients of electronic invoices may choose to access the OZG-RE via “Mein Unternehmenskonto”.

New version: XRechnung standard 3.0.1 available
1 February 2024 saw the release of XRechnung version 3.0.1, which can now be used to send electronic invoices (e-invoices) to any recipients connected to the ZRE or OZG-RE invoice submission portals.
Updates to the invoice submission portals
At the end of July 2023, the two federal invoice submission portals (ZRE and OZG‑RE) were updated with new versions, making them even more user‑friendly.
Invoice data and required fiels in e‑invoices
E-invoices containing required fields help to ensure good quality data when it comes to processing invoices. Yet this is not always an advantage.
New XRechnung version 2.3.1 available
From 1 August 2023, you should use XRechnung version 2.3.1 to send your externally created electronic invoices via the ZRE and OZG‑RE invoice submission portals.
Improved accessibility of the OZG‑RE submission portal for invoice senders
Since 12 December 2022, the OZG‑RE invoice submission portal has been available with an accessible user interface in line with the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV 2.0).
Improved accessibility of the OZG‑RE
The OZG‑RE invoice submission portal is now available with an improved web interface for invoice recipients, in line with the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV 2.0).
New ZUGFeRD profile can be used for sending XRechnung invoices
Since 01 March 2022, the ZUGFeRD 2.2.0 profile ‘XRECHNUNG’ can also be used to send electronic invoices to invoice recipients in the Federal Administration.
Electronic invoicing is becoming standard procedure for companies and government administration
Since 27 November 2020, when it became compulsory for suppliers of the German Federation to submit invoices electronically, the use of the federal invoicesubmission portals and the submission of invoices to them have risen considerably. In December 2020, almost five times as many electronic invoices were received than had been received in November.
Award for the introduction of e‑invoicing as a Procurement Office flagship project
The project ‘Introduction of e‑invoicing in the Federal Administration’ is an important part of the 9-point plan for digitalisation by State Secretary Dr Richter and was recognised as a flagship project of the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Procurement Office).