Improved accessibility of the OZG‑RE submission portal for invoice senders

2. Dec 2022 | News

Since 12 December 2022, the OZG‑RE invoice submission portal has been available with an accessible user interface in line with the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV 2.0).

Accessible interface for suppliers (invoice senders) released in mid-December 2022

Following the September 2022 release of the OZG-RE user interface for invoice recipients (in line with the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology), a version of this interface for invoice senders was released on 12 December 2022.

The update has improved usability for all invoice senders using the portal – for instance, the new colour scheme and design of the navigation menu give the interface a clearer visual layout.

Illustration: Two of the options available on the navigation dashboard of the OZG-RE portal

Also, when using the web submission method (i.e. entering invoice data manually in your browser to create an invoice), the relevant business terms (BT) are now provided to the right of each data field. These business terms, consisting of the letters “BT” followed by a number, refer to the specific information to be entered into each field when creating invoices in the XRechnung standard. Clicking on these BT references still reveals a brief description of the information required in each data field.

Illustration: The “Invoice data” page of the OZG-RE portal. The full menu for the invoice creation process is visible to the left of the page.

The features of the OZG-RE that were available prior to the update have not been affected; they remain available to all users.

Blind and visually impaired people benefit greatly from the new interface and can now make unrestricted use of the invoice submission portal. Along with the new release, an updated operating guide to the interface will be available on the OZG-RE website: to open the operating guide, just click “Help (PDF)” at the bottom of any page on the website.

Latest information on e‑invoicing