New ZUGFeRD profile can be used for sending XRechnung invoices

7. Jan 2022 | News

Since 01 March 2022, the ZUGFeRD 2.2.0 profile ‘XRECHNUNG’ can also be used to send electronic invoices to invoice recipients in the Federal Administration.
It is based on the XRechnung standard, version 2.2.0. The ZUGFeRD invoice in version 2.2.0 Profile XRECHNUNG is only supposed to be generated as an XML file and transmitted and submitted via the various transmission channels of the ZRE or OZG‑RE (email, upload, web service via Peppol). Suppliers to the Federal Government thus have another option for creating e‑invoices, which meet the requirements of the European standard for electronic invoicing (EN 16931), the Federal Government’s Regulation on Electronic Invoicing (E‑RechV) and the Federal Government’s terms of use for the invoice submission platforms.

Latest information on e‑invoicing