Digitalisation and automation of business processes are increasingly becoming part of everyday business operations. The federal project ‘Introduction of e‑invoicing in the Federal Administration’ is a catalyst for digital business processes in the B2G context and was named a Procurement Office flagship project by State Secretary Dr Richter. It establishes an efficient and sustainable connection of the economy to the invoice receipt platforms of the Federal Government as a basis for stable, error‑free, seamless and user‑friendly submission of e‑invoices. It lays the foundation for complete digitalisation of internal processes from tendering or order placement to invoicing and payment. In addition, established standards, such as XRechnung, and European networks (e.g. Peppol) are used to ensure a uniform economic area and efficient cross‑border trading.
Illustration: Structure of the flagship project “Introduction of E-Invoicing in the Federal Administration”
For more information on the 9-Point Digitalisation Plan by State Secretary Dr Richter and on the implementation of e‑invoicing in the federal authorities, please visit the website of the Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology.